Does my child need braces?

 In braces, children's oral health, Invisalign, orthodontics

The use of braces depends upon each child’s unique situation. We’re often asked by parents, “when should we start talking about orthodontics for my child?”, and our answer is to keep an eye on your child early. If you have concerns now about the alignment of your child’s teeth, we should begin talking about potential treatment with braces, Invisalign, or phase 1 removable and non-removable appliance.

Why should we treat your child earlier rather than later? Well, your child is growing and developing. Early treatment can help mold the jaw bone before the bone is done growing. Crooked teeth can be the result of genetics, missing teeth, thumb sucking, breathing or sleep issues, allergies, and more. Much of that can occur early in childhood.

As we see your child for regular preventive visits and cleanings we’ll be ready to make recommendations. We do so by watching the baby teeth both before and after they are lost, looking for teeth that don’t come together properly in the bite, protruding teeth, speech impediments, and the crowding of adult teeth as they come in. If you’re worried about your child’s teeth, we can meet for an orthodontic consultation at any time.

Early orthodontic treatment might include fixed braces, Invisalign, or a removable or fixed appliance. If an early removable or fixed device is recommended, often Invisalign or fixed braces are used later in the process for best results.

While some children are excited to get braces, others can be nervous about their appearance or what they will feel like. We’re here to answer their questions and make them feel more comfortable about the process. There is no set age for a first orthodontic evaluation, so let us help you get all the information you need to make an informed decision for your child! Give us a call! Dr. Blattner and Dr. Heberer are general dentists who have straightened smiles for over 65 years.