Dental Anesthesia

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Your SmilesRForever dentist may suggest the use of anesthesia to reduce or eliminate any discomfort or anxiety that may be related to your dental treatment and to make your visit as comfortable as possible. The type of anesthesia required for a dental procedure depends on your special needs and preferences.
You and your SmilesRForever dentist will decide if you are a candidate and what type and level of anesthesia is right for you. The type of anesthesia administered is quite often selected to accommodate your needs and preferences rather than the specific dental procedure.

Local anesthesia is the most commonly used form of anesthesia in dentistry. It is a medication applied directly to eliminate pain in a specific area of the mouth. Topical anesthetics are frequently used to numb an area in preparation for administering an injectable local anesthetic. Injectable local anesthetics numb the mouth tissues in a specific area for a short period of time. Your dentist may apply a local anesthetic before filling cavities, preparing your teeth for crowns, for deep teeth cleanings, or for surgical procedures.

Be sure to inform your SmilesRForever dentist about all medications that you are taking, any allergic reactions you’ve had to medicines in the past, and your past and present health conditions. It’s important that you answer all pre-procedure questions completely and ask about any ask for clarification of any questions you may have.

Although taking any medication involves a certain amount of risk, the medications used in anesthesia are entirely safe when administered by a trained anesthesia provider. However, it’s always wise to ask questions about any procedure with which you are not familiar. Good communication between you and your SmilesRForever dentist is the best way of ensuring safety.